SociALL Project

Innovative tools exist to fight addiction issues!

Addiction is a serious problem that can cause health damage, social isolation, and destroy lives. Against this issue, innovative solutions have been developed in order to help people.

What are these solutions and their advantages?
These means often take the shape of an app which is really convenient. It is easily accessible on smartphones or computers and people can use it wherever needed. Another advantage is that digital content is often more user-friendly and allows access to cross-media materials like articles, pictures, or videos. Moreover, personalized activities and information can be settled thanks to their algorithms. This way, the fight against addiction is more efficient since the user’s needs are more targeted. 
Through these apps, sharing experiences and results with other users is also
possible. These functionalities can create a sense of community among people using the app which lowers the risk of isolation and increases the motivation to fight the addiction. Indeed, it is easier to stay sober while knowing that other people are in the same situation and can share their advice.
Beyond these aspects, another dimension has to be taken into account when
choosing an app to tackle addiction problems: its GDPR compliance (the EU general data protection regulation). Indeed, you will share personal data on this kind of app (at least indirectly) which could represent an issue for your privacy if the platform sells them. All this information is normally available in the description on the app store.

The example of “I am sober”
The “I am sober” app is available to deal with addiction issues. One of its main
functionalities is its tracker of daily progress. It allows users to see each day of
sobriety they achieved. Furthermore, the app celebrates the milestones and gives recognition for each achievement. For instance, if the user reached a day, a week, a month, or more sober. This feature is crucial for maintaining the mental strength to not fall again into addiction.
With the app, it is also possible to find relevant educational resources to empower the users with the needed knowledge to address their addiction issues and recovery. It is essential to understand the mechanism to be equipped to quit an addiction and maintain sobriety. Strategies and good practices are shared to this aim through the app’s informational content.

Do these tools have disadvantages?
Despite the benefits provided by these apps it is important to keep in mind that they cannot solve everything. Indeed, they are just a way to find assistance and
information but the success still depends on the person facing addiction issues. It means that it is impossible to totally rely on these tools to stay sober. For instance, the virtual community may not be active, and the information may not be sufficient to face such an important issue.

The apps providing help in addressing addiction issues represent a useful and
innovative way to help people facing these difficult situations. Even if they are not perfect, these tools are still important and may help a lot of people in their journey toward sobriety.



