SociALL Project

3rd Project partners meeting

Graz, Austria 28-29 May 2024

The E+SociALL initiative, aimed at making social care technologies accessible to all, successfully concluded its third Transnational Partner Meeting (TPM) in Graz on May 28-29, 2024. Hosted by NOWA, the meeting brought together key project managers from all participating organisations to discuss critical aspects of the project.


Day 1: Genderreflected Methodic Didactic Workshop (“Train the Trainers”)

The first day, held at the Seddwell Center, focused on a “Genderreflected Methodic Didactic” workshop. Participants were welcomed by representatives from NOWA, setting a collaborative tone for the day. The workshop delved into the fundamentals of gender equality, with partners engaging in comprehensive discussions on integrating the gender perspective into their methodologies and didactics. The session aimed to enhance participants’ understanding and application of gender-reflected practices in social care technology development.

Day 2: Transnational Partner Meeting

The second day’s activities took place at NOWA’s headquarters, starting with a welcoming note and an introduction to the agenda. Discussions included project management and implementation, covering reporting procedures, budget transfers, and the development of horizontal activities such as dissemination, quality and evaluation, and design aesthetics.

Training Development and Dissemination

A summary of WP3 focused on training development and dissemination, reviewing completed tasks and outlining the remaining work necessary to achieve the project’s goals.

Training Piloting and Evaluation

The final major agenda item, WP4, was led by NOWA, focusing on the orientation and analysis of training impacts, tools for pilot evaluation, and the timeline for upcoming internal deadlines. Partners collaboratively defined the next steps to ensure smooth and effective implementation.

Closing Remarks

The meeting concluded with the distribution of attendance certificates, signing of the attendance list, and concluding remarks, emphasizing the collaborative spirit and forward momentum of the E+SociALL project.


The meeting saw active participation from Social Services Prague 11 JMSOC (Czech Republic), supported by the European Development Agency EUDA (Czech Republic), Medicalscan (Slovakia), Åpenhet (Norway), and the host organization NOWA (Austria).

With clear objectives and a robust framework for ongoing collaboration, the Graz meeting underscored the commitment of all partners to advancing social care technology accessibility. The insights and decisions made during these two days will significantly influence the project’s trajectory and impact in the coming months.


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